Hi, I’m Annette and I’m 5 years old! This year, I started middle class (kindergarten), and I’d like to be a police officer when I grow up! I live in a house wit...
Nanoono Diana Bridgette
Hi! I’m Bridgette! I’m eight years old and I’m in Primary 3 (third grade). My parents aren’t around anymore, so I live with my Uncle Allen. I like helpi...
Nansubuga Esther
Hello, my name is Esther, and I am five years old. I am excited to be joining Middle Class (pre-school) this year. I live in Kyanja Village with my mother, Margaret, a...
Nantaba Phiona
Hi! My name is Phiona and I am three years old. I just started school this year, so I’m only in the baby class. I live in Uganda with my mom, my sister, and my younger broth...
Nantale Brenda
Hello! My name is Brenda and I am 10 years old. I am in third grade, and I dream of becoming a teacher when I grow up. I live in Lugazi with my aunt, my sister and my brother.&...
Nantale Shivan
Hello! My name is Shivan, and I am 9 years old. I live with my mother and 8 siblings in Kyanja Village. My father died this year. I am in 4th grade at Kyanja Primary school, and I lo...
Nantongo Angela
My name is Angela, and I am 11 years old, and I am in the fourth grade. My favorite subject is English. I live with my parents and my sister, and I like to help ...
Nanyanzi Aidah
Hello, my name is Aidah, and I am 6 years old. I am excited to be joining school this year in Middle Class (pre-school). My 20 year old sister, Grace, cares for me, my ...
Nanyanzi Deborah
Hello, my name is Deborah, and I live with my parents and 6 siblings in Kyanja Village in Uganda. I will be starting P2 (2nd Grade) this term, and my favorite subject is En...
Nanyanzi Pauline
Hello, my name is Pauline, and I am in Primary 4 this year. I live with my mother, Yudaya, my grandparents, and my 2 brothers in Kyanja Village. I enjoy playing netball, and I help m...
Nassali Juliet
Hello! My name is Juliet, and I am 15 years old. This year I will be starting 7th grade, and I love to dance and sing. At home, there are 8 people in my family, and I help by assistin...
Nassolo Susan
Hello! My name is Susan, and I am ten years old. I live in the Kyanja Parish in Uganda. I will be starting Primary 3 this year, and I am excited to get back to school! I live w...