
Welcome to the Sponsorship page.

Nakimuli Deborah


Hi! My name is Deborah. I am 12 years old and in P6 at my school. I live in Uganda with my mom, jajja (grandmother), aunt, and some of my cousins. My mom and aunt farm to provide...


Nakintu Immaculate


Hello, I’m Immaculate! I’m six years old and in Primary 2 (second grade). I live in the Kyanja District of Lugazi with my dad, Allen, and six siblings. While my da...


Nakirya Angel

My name is Angel, and I am 11 years old.  I am in 5th grade, and I dream of becoming a teacher when I grow up.  I love to play soccer and jump rope.  I help my grandmother by fetc...


Nakisule Joyce

Hello! My name is Joyce, and I am 13 years old.  I live with my parents and there are 5 kids in my family!  I am in fifth grade at St Peter’s Primary School, and my favorite subj...


Nakitto Saudah


Hi! I’m Saudah and I’m six years old. I’m starting school in top class (kindergarten)! I live in Lugazi, Uganda with my mom, dad, and my siblings. There are eigh...


Nakyanzi Jane

Hello!  My name is Jane, and I am 15 years old.  I live in Kyanja Village with my family of 9. My father is sick, so it is difficult for us to get money to pay for basic needs and scho...


Nalubega Jalia

Hello! My name is Jalia, and I am 7 years old. I live in Kyanja with my grandmother and my sister. My father is away, so my grandmother takes care of us. I like to help out in the garden at home...


Nalunkuuma Kevin

Hello!  My name is Kevin, and I am 13 years old. I live in Kyanja Village with my family, and I am starting 6th grade this year. At home, I like to help my mother with cooking an...


Naluyinda Masitulah

Hello, I’m Masitulah, and I am six years old.  I live with my parents and five siblings in Kyanja.  I am in preschool and my favorite subject is English.  I love to write, r...


Nalwanga Jovia


Hi! I’m Jovia and I’m eight years old. This year, I started Primary 1 (first grade)! I live with my mom, my sister, and my baby brother in Lugazi, Uganda. My dad isn&rs...


Namagembe Tendo

Hello, my name is Tendo and I am 10 years old.  I am in fourth grade at Nkoyoyo Primary School.  I live with my grandmother and 7 siblings and cousins since my parents died. I like to ...


Namakula Norah


Hi! My name is Norah. I’m 3 years old and I just started school in the baby class. I’m not really sure what I want to be when I grow up, but there are a lot of differen...
